Guide to Achieve Compelling Plot Twists

Guide to Achieve Compelling Plot Twists

One of the elements of literary fiction that will never go out of style is plot twists. This device is the unsuspected happenings and unexpected turn of events in the narrative. This part is usually the readers’ favorite part since it can give you the best feeling you will ever get in reading the whole story. It offers readers the wow factor everybody loves. Readers usually devour plot twists and turn by trying to gape and sense the author’s mind. But usually, a successful plot twist will never have to be predicted, or else, the story would not be as exciting as it should be.

If you are a new author or you have tried publishing a book or two, you should still consider learning how to improve your skills in creating plot twists. One way you can learn is by reading more and more books. This way, you can know more writing techniques and gain ideas on how you can do yours in your story. A book you should check out is Alina’s Revenge by Greg Van Arsdale. This is a great book where you can learn many writing techniques, especially because the author is also a professional editor. He has experience in developmental editing, in which he edits works of other authors by improving narrative and dialogue. So, you can definitely expect a story from the book.

Are you a writer trying to find ways on how you can improve your plot twists? Worry not, as this article is here to help you out. This article will provide you with the simplest tips for an improved plot twist scenarios.

Think of yourself as a reader as you write.

This is the most helpful tip to attract your readers to your story. This step will be easy for you since, assumingly, you are a reader. You decided to write a book, that means you love books. If you notice, you as a reader have certain desires on what content you should read. That is why, when you write, think of your readers’ wants and give them what they want. This does not mean that your plot twist should be something that your readers would like, but plot twists that will shock them. In fact, that is what really readers love, the shockingly mind-blowing scenes.

Foreshadow the plot twists subtly.

Foreshadowing is one of the factors that will make readers think. And, once they get to the plot twist, they will get the mind-altering effect. There are a couple of things that you should also consider when you use foreshadowing. You need to be able to make it appear as subtle as possible. This means that you need to make an effort of creating hints that may not be noticed by the readers for the first time around. Another way to say it is to make the readers realize that certain scenes from the previous parts have affected the twist. With plot twist, this usually happens every now and then. Well, the last plot twist should be the biggest one. Nevertheless, you should not underestimate the other plot twists. You should still put effort into making them as clever as possible.

Make sure your plot twists are essential and realistic.

Even though you want to stimulate your readers’ reaction towards you turn of events, you still need to make sure that they are believable. Don’t create plot twists just for the sake of having one. It will just make your readers roll their eyes if you do this. You want your readers to think that it makes sense. In other words, it should be eye-opening.

Use your characters to carry the plot twist.

How can you pull off a plot twist? You use the element that serves as the driving force of your story—let your characters create it. This way, you are allowing your characters to carry the story instead of trying to overthink things. This will only leave you frustrated and stuck. They call it freewriting. This is a process of letting go of your thought and just letting your words go with the flow. This does not have to be the case every time, but this is very useful to times when you experience writer’s block.

The list above is just some of the thing you can do to achieve a compelling plot twist can will make your readers crave for more. Plot twists are as important as creating a great ending for your book. Good luck on your writing journey!

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